LED Lights Canada
Shop NowWelcome to LED Lights Canada!
“Your Canadian LED Lighting Solution.”
Welcome back to an amazing 2025 start! Open for our regular hours 7am to 4:30 pm
We are a Canadian LED Lighting company based in Edmonton, AB.
We have been providing LED Lighting products for over 15 years!
Quality LED products for residential & commercial customers
Call Us 1-800-677-2698
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in Canada
Certified for
Use in Canada
Not sure what LED Lighting Product you need?
We are happy to discuss your lighting project with you to ensure you make the right purchase!
Call or email us to set up your consultation.

LED Kitchen Lights
& LED Pot Lights

LEDs for
Home Entertainment
Low profile options, easy to control, Do-It-Yourself installation, create the ambience and impact that you are looking for.
Over 15 Years Specializing in LED for Residential & Contractors
LED Lights Canada is a Canadian-based provider of quality LED lighting products and services. Based out of Edmonton, Alberta, the company has supported contractor, residential and wholesale markets in Canada. They possess a high degree of product knowledge and carry a wider-variety of LED products than typical retail outlets. Because of their direct work with professionals, they carry a large stock at the showroom location. You will always get the best advice and service from LED Lights Canada.
What our customers are saying
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Regular shipping is either free or $25.00 (to most places in Canada).